Monday, November 24, 2014

Turkey Attack Time! November 24, 2014

Sisters Harris, Britton, and Nelson

Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving!
This week was awesome! We have been seeing so much success recently and we have a lot of great ideas for the upcoming Christmas season! Thanksgiving is coming up and I've been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. 
I think it's sad that the world seems to only be grateful in November. i know I fall into it as well. The Book of Mormon tells us to live in Thanksgiving daily! I love thinking about what I'm grateful for. There are so many things that I can't even count! The gospel, my Savior, a loving Heavenly Father, eternal family, friends, my mission, the Atonement, repentance, missionary work, rain, trees, California, music, art, the scriptures, prayer, the Church, the sacrament, the priesthood, food, my body, water, and soooo many other things. It's amazing how the more you count your blessings, the more you receive. When you really sit and think about all you're grateful for, you'll discover so many more blessings! The Lord loves us so much and He wants to give us blessings. 
We have been teaching a lot and going on a lot of splits this week. It has been great and we've been working so hard! We come home every night exhausted and wake up in the morning just as exhausted, but we keep working hard because it makes us happy to serve! It's getting cold and rainy (my favorite weather) here and people's hearts are softening due to the holiday season. I love it here!
My companions and I made cute turkey hands, copied them, and are going to be "turkey attacking" people's doors with a plate of cookies this week. Happy Thanksgiving! We currently have three Thanksgiving dinners planned...bring it on! We've been conditioning for it though because we've been having double dinners a lot. So full!
I invite all of you to consider what you're grateful for and give thanks to the Lord or anyone else. Alma 26:8
I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Ofa Atu, 
Sister Julie Catherine Harris

A strange meeting... Our friend, Sariah, was visiting friends in Palo Alto, and ran into Sister Harris! They were soooo happy to see each other, and Sariah reports that Julie is still Julie, only more grown up and beautiful!

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